Investing across a portfolio of assets has been proven to reduce levels of risk and maximise returns. Evai Frontier Intelligence combines the power of our crypto ratings with near time Efficient Frontier calculations to identify the best mix of assets that should be included in a portfolio. While calculating ratings for assets, our system analyses and pinpoints portfolios that demonstrate the highest performance for each asset. These portfolios are characterised by a list of assets and their optimal allocation percentages, which are crucial for maximising returns relative to risk. Here’s
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AI Disruption in 2023: The Future is Now
Each and every year, a new technological narrative takes over mainstream media. In the most recent years, we experienced the development of blockchain technology, the Metaverse, NFTs, decentralised finance (DeFi) and Web3, to name a few. Although Artificial Intelligence innovation has been evolving for decades, the closing months of 2022 witnessed new levels of excitement following the release of practical consumer-level AI platforms such as MidJourney and most notably, ChatGPT. The worldwide hype surrounding AI technology is not slowing down. 2023 will be a year of major growth and disruption
Continue reading about crypto ratingsWeiss Ratings Cryptocurrency Evolved
Weiss ratings cryptocurrency do a lot to make unbiased crypto ratings. See what Evai’s AI and ML add to this commitment
Continue reading about crypto ratingsHow tokenisation will revolutionise culture as we know it
What if there was a way, outside of the traditional stock market, to become a shareholder in your favourite luxury brand or superstar? How would that work – how could that even work? European football clubs have become the first brands to realise the potential of tokenisation, giving fans the opportunity to purchase club-specific crypto tokens that rise in value, while also giving them voting rights and exclusive content, essentially making fans shareholders. So far over 24 European clubs across the five major leagues including PSG, FC Barcelona and Manchester City have
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